Choose a mission and solve puzzles to successfully escape the room in less than 60 minutes!
Lord Bafford saw his manor plundered: the thieves stole a precious crown.
After the first crown heist, Lord Bafford hired detectives to find the thief… But nothing can erase the bitter taste of defeat. Or maybe…? Now that he know who is responsible for the heist he broods meticulously. The time to strike back has come!
Impersonating a thief you will have 60 minutes to penetrate into the evil Lord Bafford’s manor and get his crown before the guards catch a glimpse of you. Can you get out with it?
Lord Bafford comes back from his journey only to find his private study robbed and the crown missing.
The King comes within the hour to get his crown back so Bafford has a very narrow window of time to hire a group of detectives and find the thief.
Will you live up to the challenge?
For the moment this room is only available in French.
Plan about 1h30-2h for the Enigma Reims experience (including the briefing, the game, the photo shoot).
2-3 players
30€ per person4 players
25€ per person5-7 players
20€ per person+7 players
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